Look forward to a great spring lawn by reviving your grass with our lawn repair tips
Lawn repair may just be the least of your concerns as snow fades away and the remnants of the holidays are slowly trickling out of your busy holiday calendar. You’ve just bid the last of the relatives farewell. You’re ready to empty the last container of the holiday treats. You’re all set to dive in and make your new year’s resolutions happen. Then you look out at your lawn and what the frost has left you with.
For some, it may be easy to bounce back and jump into a sound lawn repair routine to revive the dead grass of winter. For others, it may be a painstaking journey back to tending a nice, lush, green lawn ready for spring time. Lawn repair varies as the amount of moisture and the degree of extreme temperature differ in every area. To revive your lawn, there is treatment, fertilization, and many others involved.
You also need to assess the amount of damage the cold temperature brought about. So now, your lawn repair requires a spring pick-me-up.
The dormancy of winter puts your grass to sleep. While the grass is sleeping, weeds tend to invade the lawn. Unfortunately for your lawn repair timeline, these pesky little things called weeds, especially the aggressive ones, tend to wake up faster than your lawn grass. So, you need to work with your grass to beat them to it.
You will see how vital it is to give proper attention to your lawn during the other seasons.
If you took the time and effort in proper watering, mowing, and feeding, you will reap the rewards at this time.
You will see a strong lawn that is able to better withstand aggressive weeds. So, then you can take your time to help your lawn wake up properly after the cold winter days.
One thing that’s so important is examining and evaluating the damage. You cannot administer a solution without surveying the damage. Examine the obvious. Look at the thatch layer on your lawn. You would know best how much organic matter you covered your lawn with before winter. Consider the dead grass from your mowing, too.
If the layer of dead grass and organic matter on your top soil is deeper than one half inch, it is a good idea to dethatch.
The excess thatch will keep away water and oxygen, so you need to remove them and give your lawn space to breathe. At this time, your grass roots need water, oxygen, and fertilizer as part of lawn repair. The first step of recovery is to revive your grass roots.
As you begin to regrow your grass, you will want weeds and pests away – far away – so you can focus on reviving your grass. Another essential part of lawn repair is ensuring the weeds don’t beat you to your lawn. Pre-emergent weed killers are your help-mates for the season of lawn repair. Apply a pre-emergent weed killer before grass resumes growth and right before weeds become established. If the lawn is already growing back and the weeds have sprouted, apply broadleaf weed killers.
You may already have your preferred brand, so be sure to follow what’s written on the pack as brands also vary.
The next thing you can’t miss for your lawn repair is irrigation. Once you have your grass growing again, resume irrigation right away. Water once or twice weekly. Supply enough water to moisten the soil up to about six inches. Your grass roots will be grateful as they grow strong and deep. This will give them a fighting chance to withstand the upcoming drought in the summer.
Mowing is an essential part of lawn repair, too. Once your grass is about 1 inch taller than the setting on your mower blade, you can start mowing. But remember to only mow when the grass is already dry. Mowing or even walking on wet grass and soil is not a good idea for lawn repair.
If you see bare patches on your lawn, this is the best time to seed over them. While the soil is moist, it is okay to dig slightly and sprinkle the grass seeds evenly on the bare patch. Be sure to cover it with a quarter-inch layer of soil and water the seeded area lightly about twice or three times daily. If all goes well, your grass will start to establish, and you will see an even turf come spring time.
Finally, what you must have been waiting for – fertilize.
Of course, lawn repair involves fertilizers. Once your lawn is actively growing – that is, it is steadily growing enough for you to get back to regular mowing – you may fertilize. A slow start is a good idea. Apply the lightest amount depending on your grass type. Follow through with watering to force the nutrients into the soil and the roots. With all these lawn repair agenda, you are well on your way to a revived turf for your spring and summer lawn picnics.
FAQ: What are the necessary tools needed to start post-winter lawn repair?
There are only a few of your garden and lawn maintenance tools you will need in the early days of lawn repair. One thing that won’t be off the list even in winter is the dethatching rake. You will need it after winter to remove excess thatch. You will also need an herbicide spreader to evenly distribute pre-emergent herbicides to fight off weed and pests from your lawn. Lastly, you will need your lawnmower, but not until your grass is established and growing actively. These are the big three you should never be without during your lawn repair days.
What All American Turf Beauty Says About Post Winter Lawn Care Maintenance
As the cool season draws to a close, so does your rest from lawn maintenance. It is time to get moving and awaken your lawn into another lovely spring! Get your lawn repair routine in order to control the damage the frost imposed on your lawn. Be it a smooth ride or a laborious start of the season, you can count on expert advice from lawn experts at All American Turf Beauty to keep you on track. Call us today and talk to our lawn care experts at 1-800-365-8873 or you may visit us at 311 Desoto Rd, Van Meter, IA.
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