Friday, October 7, 2022

The Ultimate Fall Checklist: 5 Things You Can do to Get the Perfect Lawn

Looking to get the perfect lawn this upcoming spring? Now’s the time to prep! Planting grass, overseeding your lawn in the winter are some of the best things you can do to keep your lawn looking healthy, vibrant, and lush year-round. 

Follow these five steps this fall to overwinter your lawn and ensure beautiful new growth in the spring:

Plant New Grass

Even though spring is usually seen as the best time to start planting, your lawn will actually benefit more from fall seeding than in the spring. When you plant grass seed in the fall, you’re more likely to get natural grass growth and less weed interference. Plus, you won’t have to worry about a patchy lawn when the snow melts! To ensure your grass takes root and develops, always make sure to prep your soil by raking it over and giving those seeds a good soak.

Colder Weather is Best for Local Grasses

overseeding lawn

Up here, local grasses like bluegrass, ryegrass, and buffalo grass prefer cooler temperatures for growing. Fall is the perfect time to plant new grass seeds since temperatures are just starting to drop, and the sun isn’t nearly as harsh as it would be during the summer or spring.

The Soil is Moister in Autumn

overseeding lawn

In addition to gentler sunshine, fall usually comes with dew in the mornings and a bit of rain– this added moisture in the air and soil is perfect for baby plants that need lots of moisture to grow and spread their roots. By planting your grass seed in the fall, your grass will develop roots that reach deeper into the soil, providing a more lush and durable lawn.


overseeding lawn

Even if your yard is looking pretty nice this fall, it’s always a good idea to overseed. Overseeding, or the process of adding grass seed to already existing grassy areas, is a great way to keep your lawn looking thick and vibrant while also pushing out any chances for weeds to grow. This procedure is an excellent chemical-free, long-term solution for weeds popping up on your lawn.

Overseeding with a variety of local grasses will also keep your lawn drought-resistant, disease-free, and it will provide the ecosystem with more diversity!

Fertilizing in Preparation for Winter

fertilizing lawn

A good practice to get into with yard work (and gardening in general) is to prepare your outdoor plants for the snow and ice. This includes your grass! The best way to overwinter your lawn is to provide it with good soil aeration and plenty of nitrogen-rich fertilizer, so it will have plenty of nutrients to carry it through the cold months. To fertilize, simply do as you normally would in the spring.

Aerate Your Soil

lawn aeration

Aerating your soil basically means churning it up a little so air can get through the dirt without difficulty. Unless you have the proper equipment, you’ll need to call someone to go over your lawn. Soil aeration is a fantastic way to improve your lawn drainage, so the grass won’t sit in wet patches and contract root rot. The aeration is also great for removing any thatch between your grass’ roots and the soil.

Keep Your Leaves

rake in yard of leaves

This next point is a bit tricky, since there’s mixed messages everywhere about the benefits of leaving your fallen leaves on your lawn. Here’s our definitive answer:

  • Yes, you should keep raking your leaves, especially if you have lots of trees on your property. A leaf layer that’s too thick will smother your grass. 
  • Instead, save your leaves and shred them. They make excellent natural fertilizer! Sprinkling a thin layer of shredded leaves over your grass will allow the leaves to decompose and provide nutrients for your soil, but the leaves won’t smother your turf. 

This step is completely optional, but can really benefit your yard’s overall appearance in the future. Just note that if you have any diseased trees, it’s best to safely dispose of the leaves to prevent further infection.

Keep on Mowing

mowing lawn

Our final recommendation for the perfect lawn is simple: keep mowing. Your grass doesn’t enter its dormancy period until frost comes and the ground freezes, so trimming your grass regularly is a great way to encourage further root growth. When you mow in the fall, however, adjust your blade just a bit so your grass isn’t as short as it would be in the summertime. 

And there you have it! These steps will help you get your lawn ready for winter and looking nice year-round, when you can see it. Once the snow melts, your yard will thank you! For lawn maintenance, including fertilization and aeration services, contact us for a consultation today!

The post The Ultimate Fall Checklist: 5 Things You Can do to Get the Perfect Lawn appeared first on All American Turf Beauty, Inc..

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