Monday, March 23, 2020

Why Get a Sprinkler System Service and Check-Up Before Summer

sprinkler system service

As we are in spring now, with lawns greening up and flowers blooming, we might think that the heat and droughts of summer are a distant concern. However, there are chances that before the summer heat sets in, you would need your sprinkler system to water your garden and lawn. Before starting to use the irrigation system every year, it’s recommended to get a sprinkler system service in which a professional irrigation technician can carry out a spring checkup of your sprinkler system. Availing such a can keep your sprinkler system prepared to handle the irrigation needs of spring as well as the upcoming summer.

Reasons for Getting Sprinkler System Service and Evaluation Before Summer

Irrigation experts suggest homeowners the pre-season irrigation system service and inspection because of three key reasons:

1. To ensure the efficient working of sprinkler systems

A spring sprinkler system service will ensure that water is used efficiently. Besides conserving water, the irrigation technician would set up the heads of the sprinkler to allocate water usage so that plants can get the water required to stay healthy.

2. To identify any necessary sprinkler repair as well as potential problems

A sprinkler system service and inspection during the spring will find any broken irrigation system pipes, broken sprinkler heads, or leaks, which occurred over winter. Fixing the issues now by availing irrigation repair services will prevent wastage of water from the sprinkler system and make sure your garden and lawn receive the necessary amount of watering.

3. To prolong the longevity of your irrigation system

You have made a considerable investment for your sprinkler system, and professional help can ensure that it’s started up properly. In case the water is turned on very quickly, it could cause damage to the system, leading to more sprinkler system repair expenses.

What should be included in a Sprinkler System Startup Service

During a visit for spring inspection, the technician should do the following:

  • Inspect the backflow device of the sprinkler
  • Pressurize the mainline of the system slowly
  • Test each zone for proper working
  • Adjust the heads of the sprinkler to cover necessary areas
  • Clean spray nozzles to have an even spray pattern
  • Examine the rain sensor

The technician who fixes sprinkler systems may also set the basic schedule for spring watering, raise the sunken sprinkler heads, and straighten any sprinklers, which have become crooked due to the winterization of the system.

Wrap Up

The ideal time to avail a spring startup sprinkler system service is in the early spring, or before summer at the least. It’s best to schedule an irrigation system service appointment well in advance of the summer months.

All American Turf Beauty has expertise in lawn irrigation service, installation, and sprinkler maintenance in Ames. We have highly trained and experienced professionals who can effectively carry out spring startup and other irrigation system maintenance tasks so that your irrigation system in Ames works glitch-free. Give us a call at 515-232-7614 today to schedule a consultation!

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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Lawn Care and Pest Control: Know Pests Before They Strike

lawn care and pest control

The pests and insects love your lawn as much as you do. They love to call your lawns their home. But their preferred way of living may cause harm to your lawns. It’s sad to see the dying patches of your lawn caused by pests and insects. Know about your pests from our experts at All American Turf Beauty for better lawn care and pest control.

White grubs:

The white grubs are the worst nemesis of lawn care providers in Iowa. These root-eating June beetle larvae take a full year to complete their life cycle. The one found in the Iowa region is known as masked chafers.

Life span: During midsummer months, after mating, the female beetles lay the eggs which hatch within 2 weeks. New grubs start feeding on grassroots immediately. During winter, the matured grubs go dormant. And with early spring, they appear back on the surface and feed on grassroots again. It’s only in early summer that they pupate by transforming into adults.

Management: There is no one way to approach lawn care and pest control for white grubs. Preventive insecticides are the best options. However, as part of their lawn care and pest control service, our experts take the wait-and-watch approach.

They watch the lawns for early signs of damage from August to September. It may begin with wilted grass blades with brown turf patches. During spring and summer, you can check spongy turf spots. If you see moles, skunks and crows looking for a grub meal in your lawns, you know your precious turf is in danger.

Chinch bugs:

Yard pest control is literally incomplete without the mention of hairy chinch bugs. Known as sap-sucking insects they feed on grass blades. Chinch bugs normally emit an anticoagulant which restricts grass from water absorption.

Life span: These pests lay their eggs in grass and produce at least 2 generations in the period between spring and fall. It takes only 20 to 30 days for the eggs to hatch and the young bugs start feeding on the grass immediately.

After birth, the young bugs or nymphs mature within 6 weeks, mate and repeat their life cycle. During fall, as the weather becomes cold, the adult chinch bugs hibernate at the base of grass stem till the weather becomes warm.

Management: As part of lawn care and pest control, it’s important to identify the chinch bugs. They are about 1/6 inch-long, have white wings that fold flat on their backs. You can see a small triangular spot on one of the wings.

Chinch bugs do maximum damage to the turf from June to August and their activity often coincides with drought situations in Iowa. When you seek professional lawn care in Ames, they will look for wilted grass. The most obvious sign of chinch bug infestation is the purple tinge on the turf.

In case of chinch bugs, you will notice irregular patches with a purple tint and the grass will eventually wilt, turn yellow and finally go brown. The dryness and wilting can often be mistaken as drought stress. As part of lawn and pest control programs, the experts will always go for a closer inspection to find the real cause behind turf damage.

Sod Webworms:

The adult version of sod webworms is lawn moths. A beautiful thick lawn is an easy target for sod webworms, but they are particularly deadly on bluegrass lawns.

Lifespan: Among the common spring pests in Ames, sod webworms are the most aggressive. There can be 2 to 3 generations of sod webworms in each season. During the winter months, the grown larvae are buried deep inside the soil. As the first generation of adult moths lay their eggs, the resulting worms feed on the grass till they rest.

Management: One of the early warnings come in the form of brownish-gray small moths flying in a zigzag pattern over the lawns during the early evening. They will not damage the lawn, but lay eggs during their evening flights. Webworms mostly prefer dry and hot areas.

You will notice the first signs of damage as dead patches appear on a healthy turf. Sod webworms are known to chew grass blades off the thatch line and carry them into tunnels that they build. The scalped patches will tell you that there is a webworm infestation.

Sod webworms cause the most damage during the months of July and August. Take note of tiny green pellets which are the excrement of the webworms. Once you locate the pellets, you will find the larvae close by.

Webworms are normally ¼ to ¾ inch long and the body resembles a caterpillar with a color of dusty green or brown. You will notice quite a few dark spots with 2-3 spiny stiff hairs that come out from those spots.

You should be able to enjoy the beauty of the outdoors on a balmy spring evening. Your lawns should not go unchecked in case of a pest infestation. Lawn care and pest control are imperative if you want to get rid of turf nuisance. Know about our Ames lawn care program which offers services throughout the year. Call All American Turf Beauty for lawn maintenance in Iowa.

The post Lawn Care and Pest Control: Know Pests Before They Strike appeared first on All American Turf Beauty, Inc..