Wednesday, June 29, 2022

9 Weed Control Tips for Your Lawn

Hot, dry weather can easily wreak havoc on a healthy lawn without the proper precautions and care. Simple mistakes — such as underwatering your lawn, mowing your grass too short, or not paying attention to weed control can transform a beautiful, healthy lawn into a patchy, lackluster yard.  

Let’s face it, weeds are annoying, especially when they take over your yard. But there are ways to keep them under control without resorting to chemicals that could harm your family or pets.  

1. Start with a weed control plan 

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First things first, make sure you have a plan before you begin weed control. You need to decide what type of weed control you will use, where you will apply it, and how often you will apply it.  

This will help you avoid making mistakes and wasting money. If you have an idea of what you want to accomplish, then you can make sure you have the tools needed to achieve it.  

2. Choose the right equipment for weed control

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There are several different tools available to help you with weed control. If you choose to use herbicides, you should consider using an applicator that has been designed specifically for herbicide application. Best to select one with a broad spectrum so that you kill not only the weeds but also any beneficial plants nearby. This will ensure that the product gets applied evenly across the area you wish to treat.  

3. Know when to apply herbicide 

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You can apply the herbicide when the weed has just germinated (when the seedling emerges) or when it has grown into a plant. To determine whether a weed has germinated, check its leaves. If the leaf edges are curled inward, the weed has germinated. If the edge is straight, then the weed hasn’t germinated yet.  This will ensure that you kill the weed before it produces seeds or flowers.  

4. Mow frequently 

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If you mow frequently, you won’t need to use as much herbicide. However, if you wait until the plants are actively growing, you might need more than one application.  

If you mow frequently, you can control weeds more effectively. A study published in the Journal of Plant Interactions found that frequent mowing reduced the number of weeds by up to 80%.   

5. Water well 

puppy playing in garden

You should water your lawn regularly throughout the year. In the summer months, it’s ideal to water your lawn at least once every week. This will help keep the grass healthy and prevent weeds from taking root. It will also help prevent the grass from drying out too quickly. 

6. Treat for grubs 

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In late June and July, adult grubs start to emerge from the pupal stage. Adult insects can begin feeding on your plants and laying their eggs on your lawn without the proper insecticides. To keep your lawn pest-free, consider applying a granular insecticide to your entire lawn using a spreader. 

7. Aerate your lawn for weed control

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Grass requires both water and air to grow and remain healthy throughout a wide range of weather conditions. Aeration involves using a core aerator, which removes small plugs of soil from your yard. These holes act as air vents, allowing the remaining grassroots to gain more access to air, water, and other essential nutrients. You can rent a core aerator and attempt to DIY, or you can contact one of our turf specialists for customized aeration services. 

8. Don’t over-fertilize 

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During the hottest weeks of the summer, resist the temptation to fertilize your lawn. Applying fertilizer on top of dry, brittle grass can burn your grass and cause further damage to an already stressed lawn. It’s recommended to wait until early fall to fertilize your grass instead. 

9. Try an affordable lawn weed control program 

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Want to spend more time enjoying summer with your family and less time on yard work? All American Turf is here to help with our affordable lawn care programs! For just $29.99, we’ll give your lawn a customized introductory treatment to help it flourish and look its best. If you like what you see, our turf specialists will get you started on a regular lawn care schedule that works for your yard and your budget. 

Connect with us today to learn more about the best lawn care services in Iowa without the hefty price tag!  

The post 9 Weed Control Tips for Your Lawn appeared first on All American Turf Beauty, Inc..

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The Ultimate Summer Lawn Care Guide for 2022

Having a lush and healthy lawn is a main priority for many homeowners during the summer months, but it can be difficult to achieve. Whether you want a stunning green lawn to boost your home’s curb appeal or create the perfect backdrop for your weekend barbecues, maintaining a regular summer lawn care schedule will be your key to success. 

If your yard is looking less than ideal this summer, follow these summer lawn care tips to nourish your grass and keep it healthy all summer long. 

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Summer lawn care; Repair patchy areas 

If your yard has unsightly bald spots, you can still revive your lawn to health! One simple solution is to cover sparse areas of your yard with small patches of sod early in the summer season, making sure to keep it watered deeply until it fully integrates with the rest of your grass. 

Apart from these small patch jobs, focus on fertilizing your lawn and keeping the weeds out during these summer months. Save large-scale seeding for the fall when the sun and heat won’t inhibit growth. 

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Fertilize in early summer 

When it comes to the summer lawn care schedule, you can’t ignore weed control. And fertilizing your grass is an essential part of weed control. Adding nutrients to help your grass grow stronger will help crowd out unwanted weeds without having to apply any harsh chemicals. Applying fertilizers before and after the hottest weeks of the summer will also prevent burning caused by the sun and allow your yard time to fully take in the nutrients. It’s better to fertilize now and seed in the fall as any seeding now will be killed by the heat. If you need to patch, use a small piece of sod.

Summer lawn care tips; Water your lawn well 

A quick sprinkle of water every morning won’t do your lawn any good. Instead of frequently and lightly watering your yard every day, strive to water it infrequently and deeply. You want to soak your grass in water in order to encourage deep root growth.  

Summer lawn care tip: Water your lawn early in the morning to minimize evaporation caused by the sun. Anytime between 5:00 AM and 9:00 AM will do. 

Raise your mower 

At the start of every summer season, sharpen your mower blades to ensure a clean cut and minimize damage to your grass. Set your mower blade as high as possible for your specific grass type to encourage deep root growth and a more luscious yard. As a general rule, try not to cut more than one-third of your grass height. If you mow your grass too short, it’s at risk of extra sun damage, and it can make it easier for weeds to flourish in patchy areas. 

After mowing, leave the lawn clippings behind. The materials will provide your soil with much-needed nutrients and provide additional shade during the hottest summer days. 

Summer lawn care tips; Don’t leave summer toys or furniture on your lawn 

If you have children or enjoy having visitors over frequently, make sure to remove any toys, bikes, lawn chairs, and other various items once the day draws to a close. Leaving items laying in your grass for long periods of time can leave ugly indentations and discolored patches in your yard, and even kill your grass.  

To further avoid stressing your lawn, consider simple lawn care solutions to guide guests to your patio or backyard without stepping on the grass. Some pretty stepping stones can add interest to your lawn while helping it stay strong and healthy.  

Hire a summer lawn care professional 

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 If you don’t have the time or patience to keep up with a summer lawn care schedule, trusting your yard to a professional may be the best investment you can make this season. A lawn care specialist can give your yard the customized help it needs, whether that includes pest control, weed management, or customized lawn care.  

If you’re located in Iowa, consider All American Turf Beauty for your summer lawn care needs this season. Our experts can offer you the best solutions to keep your yard looking flawless from season to season. For more information about what AATB can do for you, fill out this quick form to connect with one of our specialists today! 

The post The Ultimate Summer Lawn Care Guide for 2022 appeared first on All American Turf Beauty, Inc..