Thursday, December 26, 2019

Tackle Every Snow Removal Iowa City Challenge with Expert’s Advice

snow removal Iowa City
Winter in Midwest states will inevitably bring snow. Iowa is no exception. The condition becomes critical after a snowstorm. Snow removal Iowa City can be pretty difficult, especially if you allow the snow to settle down. We asked our experts at AATB and this is what they have to say about different snow removal techniques for your property.

Stay Safe While Working on Snow on Roof

When a lot of snow accumulates on the roof, it can put a dent on the roofline. Leaky roofs are common during winters. Walk around the perimeter of your homes and check your roofline. Look out for eaves and gutters and see if they are covered in icicles. Find out if an ice dam has already formed on the roof.

During periods of extreme snowstorms, the roof becomes overburdened with the weight of snow. This happens when old snow compacts under fresh ice. The safest way to remove snow from roofs is to use a rake from the ground level. Never stand directly below the area where snow has accumulated.

Snow removal Iowa City should not be problematic if you live in a single-story home. But ice dams can easily form on a multi-story house. Remember, it can be dangerous as a small area has the potential to shake off more than 100 pounds of snow. Availing professional snow removal services Iowa is a good idea.

Pro Tip: Never tackle the snow on a rooftop alone. Ask someone else to be a spotter and use a rope for extra security. Use boots with traction if you plan to go on the rooftop.

Remove Snow Like a Pro from Walkways

Be cautious on walkways during winter. Be a good neighbor and clear your walkways promptly after a snowstorm to prevent injuries from fall. If there is a prediction for the snowstorm, apply ice melt before the weather is inclement. This helps to lower the freezing point of water.

Follow a technique while clearing walkways. You need to shovel the first layer of snow, clear the path and then spread some ice melt. As packed ice starts to melt, remove them with a broom and apply the repeat ice melt. This will prevent the path from refreezing. You can also add a layer of sand for traction.

Remember commercial ice melts are less harsh on lawns and plants. You can also search for pet-safe formulations if you have furry friends at home. But often snowstorm catches you by surprise and you may be unprepared. Rock salt can be a good alternative for ice melt.

Pro Tip: As experienced professionals, we always urge people to plow snow with the storm. Once the snow gets deeper, it becomes difficult to remove it. If snow accumulates more than an inch, it hardens and becomes almost impossible to plow.

Snowplowing around your house

When you have icy areas around your home, it is imperative that you make them safe for pedestrians. You must work your way around icy zones carefully, so choose a non-slippery place to stand. When you walk on ice, use methods to cause traction to avoid slips and falls.

A layer of rock salt can cause traction as it helps to melt the ice. But rock salt can damage the metal or concrete surfaces. This is harmful to lawns as well. Even when you apply rock salt, you need to be careful about the perimeter, especially the boundary that separates lawns from driveways.

Use magnesium chloride instead which is less corrosive than other chemicals. Don’t forget to remove the hanging icicles from gutters and roof edges. They are sharp and can hurt pets and small animals. Removing them as part of snow and ice management in Des Moines is a must.

Pro Tip: Always look for places where snow can be easily piled without obstruction. There should be a connecting path through which melting snow can drain easily. In case you have a curvy walkway or driveway, you need to stake the area before the snowstorm.

Snow Removal Iowa City Specifics – Treat your Plants Well

Heavy ice can easily break or bend the branches causing damage to trees. As lawn care experts, we inspect your lawn and trees and remove potentially dangerous branches. You can also remove the snow from sagging branches with a long pole or broom. Work carefully as the cold makes the branches brittle. You may get hurt if you are not careful.

If trees are coated in heavy ice, you should wait for the ice to melt. Don’t try to forcefully chip the ice as it might damage the trees. But if branches laden with ice move dangerously closer to your homes, protect your homes by removing the ice.

Pro Tip: Shoveling ice or snow is a strenuous job. Always listen to your body and avoid injuries. If you feel that your body is giving up, you should stop immediately.

Driveway Snow Removal Techniques which Come Handy

After a snowstorm, the driveway should be cleared properly for the vehicles to get in and out. Make it accessible by clearing the snow at regular intervals. It is important that the bottom layer of snow does not turn to ice. Tires easily skid on slippery ice. It’s good to know the basics for snow removal in Iowa City to survive the winter.

Dress in layers, so that it is easier to remove clothing if it becomes too warm while you remove snow. Before you start to shovel the snow, indulge in some warm-up exercise. Warming up can prevent injuries. Choose your shovel carefully; use one which is neither too long nor too short. The equipment should not be heavy to make you uncomfortable.

Pro Tip: If you don’t want the snow to accumulate, it’s better to remove it when it’s light. It’s better not to lift snow but push it as much as possible. Don’t overload the shovel, if you are lifting snow or you may hurt your back. Use the best snow removal tools and don’t overexert yourself.

AATB experts can handle any extreme snow conditions after a heavy snowfall or snowstorm. Leave all the heavy work of plowing, lifting and clearing snow to us. Allow us to do all the hard work for snow removal Iowa City while you enjoy your time with your loved ones.

The post Tackle Every Snow Removal Iowa City Challenge with Expert’s Advice appeared first on All American Turf Beauty, Inc..

Monday, December 23, 2019

5 Little Ways to Make the Most Out of Dormant Grass Seeding

Know about dormant grass seeding from Lawn Care experts in Iowa

Is there anything that you don’t love about winters? As you reminisce about the good things in life with a slow sip in the cup of hot cocoa beside the crackling fire, you feel thankful. But the warm cozy nights will soon turn into balmy spring evenings. And you need to ask yourself the vital question; will my lawns green up beautifully? They can if you have already done your bit with dormant grass seeding as part of winter lawn care.

What is dormant seeding?

As lawn care service providers, we often must explain what exactly dormant grass seeding is. This is a process or practice of sowing seeds during the winter months. In mid-west states like Iowa, dormant seeding is common and is best carried out between November and March. The temperature is normally below 50 degrees which creates an ideal condition for sowing the seeds.

The idea behind winter seeding in lawns is that seeds will mainly remain ‘dormant’ due to cold soil conditions but will germinate once the soil warms up. You save a lot of time as you don’t have to prepare the soil. Grass seed germination in winter happens quickly as the soil is naturally cold and wet during winter months. Naturally, your turf gets a head start in spring with a bit of an extra effort.

1. How does dormant seeding work best for your lawns?

When you want to reseed bare patches or thicken your turf for spring, choose the best dormant grass seed for lawns. This practice is particularly helpful if you have missed the overseeding window during fall. As your lawn thickens, you reduce the chances of weeds with the advent of spring.

Studies have proved that winter dormant grass seeding works better than spring overseeding, especially if you use seeds for cool-season grasses. Tall fescue, ryegrass, and bluegrass germinate better in colder soils. They get more time to develop when they are sown during winter months.

2. What is the best time for dormant grass seeding?

Choose your time carefully. If you spread the seeds too early, they may germinate in winter itself and will not survive the snow. Seeds should be scattered when the ground is cold enough for germination to be perfectly timed during spring.

Broadcasting grass seeds work better on bare patches than scattered seeds. Good seed to soil contact leads to perfect germination. Raking the soil is a must pre-condition for dormant seeding.

3. What should you select: frost or snow seeding?

Frost seeding normally happens when the soil is moist just before freezing weather. A freezing atmosphere followed by a period of thaw creates small pockets or cracks on the ground. These are perfect for catching and keeping the seeds. As the soil dries up, soil pocket collapses and covers the seeds. It is a natural aeration process and helps in the germination process.

Another type of dormant seeding is snow seeding. You just need one inch of snowfall where you can still see the bare spots. Spread the seeds by hand on places where you want to see a thickened turf. Once the snow melts, the seeds come in direct contact with soil.

4. Why do you need to select your seeds carefully?

Select a good mix of seeds for your lawns. Think of your site, its conditions and how you intend to maintain the site once the seeds are sowed. A normal mix of seeds will include fine fescue and a little bit of perennial ryegrass. You need 3 to 4 pounds of this seed mix for 1,000 square feet. You can always create your own mix with your favorite turf grass.

5. What should you do after dormant seeding?

After dormant seeding, do not abandon the space. You should water the area thoroughly until next spring. There should be at least 0.05 to 0.10 inches of water. The weather will be at your favor as the days are normally moist. Damp soil is adequate, but do not allow the place to be soggy. Be careful once the weather turns warmer. As the turf starts getting drier, water the area lightly.

An afterword:

You can expect a nice lush surprise next spring. But the success of dormant grass seeding will depend on winter conditions. A good snowfall is a must as it covers the area allowing the seeds to germinate properly. Assess your turf to know if it needs additional seeding. If the newly seeded area looks thin, wait for some time. Often the seeds sprout a little late, so allow some time and don’t destroy the good work. You will know if your turf needs additional reseeding once the time period is over.

Unsure how to treat your lawns in winter? We will chalk out a plan for the best winter lawn treatment for your turf. We offer the best winter lawn care services in Iowa. Trust us for a greener and healthier turf.

The post 5 Little Ways to Make the Most Out of Dormant Grass Seeding appeared first on All American Turf Beauty, Inc..

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Ultimate Secret of Winter Lawn Care Revealed

Save your turf from snow by winter lawn care service in Iowa

In the middle of the Christmas hullabaloo, have you completely abandoned your lawn? Not exactly a good thing to do and we will tell you why. Winter lawn care is as crucial as spring and summer care. You can save a lot of trouble for the coming spring if you are a little prudent during winter. Here are a few quick tips from our AATB experts to help you with your winter woes for lawns.

Walk on the snow, but spare the lawn

Yes, you read it correctly. As lawn care experts we suggest that you avoid your snow-covered lawns. The lawn is dormant during the cold months. Too much traffic can weaken even the strongest grass. Remember a heavily worn path will be slow to green up during spring. Enjoy the beauty of snow, but do not be tempted to walk on the snow-laden lawn.

Clean your lawn before the first snow

This sounds incredibly tiresome, especially when you are mentally prepared to spend less time tending to lawns during winters. We advise otherwise. As one of the important winter lawn maintenance tips, we suggest that you clear out the debris and leaves from the lawn. Debris can smother grass and instigate fungi growth ultimately affecting the grass.

You would not want your lawns to be the breeding ground of mice, insects and damaging pests. The first active steps in winter lawn care actually start before winter. An ideal time to clear your lawns is during autumn when you rake the leaves. Before the first frost, aerate your lawn, and apply lawn fertilizer. Allow the fertilizer to sit on grass blades, seep in and reach the roots during cold months.

Beware of snow mold on grass

Snow mold is a kind of fungal disease that develops when the lawn is under the snow. As the snow melts, you might notice some discolored patches on your lawns. The best way to combat it is to prevent snow from piling on your yard and plants. As part of winter lawn treatment, it is essential that you keep your lawns clear of snow.

We all love to build a snowman but pay attention to the area once the snow is gone. The area can be susceptible to snow mold. Lawns that are fertilized just before winter will work better against snow mold.

Prevent light frost effects on grass

If you do not want the grass blades to be affected by light frost, you can water the lawn the night before. With deep watering, the moisture will evaporate slowly over the night. During evaporation, there will be heat and friction around grass blades. Even when the night air temperature drops below the freezing point, the ground will have a higher temperature because of heat from evaporation.

Keep away the salt from lawns

As we create winter lawn care tips, we often miss this point. Use less salt and more magnesium chloride and sand to melt the ice on walkways and driveways. Salt can hurt the growth of grass and trees on your lawns. If used profusely, salt can even damage the concrete because of constant freezing and thawing.

Mark the lawn carefully

To know the exact boundary of your lawn before the snow, try to mark your turf before snowfall. You can lose track of the grass close to sidewalks and driveways once everything gets covered by snow. Mark the edge of your lawns, so that you know where you will be running the snowblower to avoid harm to the grass. Reflective markers are a good choice along the street line of the property.

Call the professionals for winter lawn care

If you have questions about caring for your lawn, contact our turf specialists in Iowa. Experts at AATB have been taking care of lawn care & maintenance for more than 15 years. And we understand that protecting the lawn during winter can be hard work. You can contact also contact us if you need a snow removal company. We will make your lawn spring ready!

The post The Ultimate Secret of Winter Lawn Care Revealed appeared first on All American Turf Beauty, Inc..