Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Don’t Waste Time! Here’s Your Garden and Lawn Care Checklist for March

March is a busy time for garden and lawn care. With the arrival of spring now, you would want to keep your garden and lawn in their best form so that you can make the most of them in the bright spring weather. If you are wondering how to spruce up your lawn and garden in March, here is a garden and lawn care checklist to help you.

Gardening Checklist for March for Your Flower Garden

  1. Loosen the winter mulches from your perennial plants carefully. Clean up your flower beds by removing dead foliage and weeds.
  2. Start pulling back mulch from your rose bushes gradually.
  3. In case your soil is alkaline, consider applying sulfur to the soil around plants that are acid-loving such as dogwoods, hollies, rhododendrons, and azaleas. You can use a granular formulation at half pound per 100 square feet.
  4. As the new growth starts, cut all the ornamental grasses short. To do this, you can tie up the ornamental grasses and cut off a few inches using a serrated knife.
  5. Keep a check on the growth of Garlic Mustard. For smaller areas, it is best to pull out the weed with your hands from March to May.
  6. For pussy willow catkins, cut them back once their prime is over, to encourage large catkins and long branches for the next year.
  7. Before growth begins, finish pruning the ornamental trees and non-spring flowering shrubs. Also, prune the spring bloomers immediately after they have finished flowering.
  8. Check out weeds by monitoring your garden during times of nice weather. It is easier to remove small, newly-emerged weeds. If you can keep a check on weeds through June, you can manage the remaining season much better.
  9. Eliminate winter debris from garden and lawn beds as part of your spring gardening checklist. If you find any broken branches, remove them immediately.
  10. Thin out the old and overgrown bushes in your garden.
  11. Replace unwanted bushes.
  12. Spring clean your flower bed. Eliminate dead plant material from last year and debris that have accumulated over the winter.
  13. Apply fertilizer to woody plants 4 to 6 weeks before they start new growth, but only if you find signs of a need for fertilization, like inability to completely flower or fruit, poor leaf color, or stunted growth.

garden maintenance

Lawn Care Checklist for March

  1. March is a good time for appropriate weed control applications to control lawn weeds like crabgrass and foxtail.
  2. If there is no snow and your soil has a low organic matter, apply compost in a thin layer as a top dressing to your lawn. Fill up the low spots as well as reseed the low bare spots.
  3. Near the end of March, mow your lawn low so that old growth can be removed before new growth starts. Set the height of your lawnmower according to the grass type in your lawn.
  4. Sharpen the blade of your lawnmower if you have not done it at the season’s end.
  5. Perform lawn aeration as part of your spring lawn care checklist – your lawn can considerably benefit from annual aeration.
  6. Test your soil to see if it is acidic and you need to add lime if it is. Lime needs to be added every two years for acidic soil. Conducting a soil test will also help you determine how much lime you need to apply. You can also get to know the liming requirements of your soil by consulting a professional lawn care provider.
  7. Consult a professional lawn care services company as part of your lawn maintenance checklist to provide your lawn with the care it needs in the spring.

lawn care

Summing Up

Follow this garden and lawn care checklist for March to lay the foundation for a beautiful garden and vibrant lawn in the spring. However, to truly enhance the health and beauty of your lawn, rely on a professional lawn care company.

All American Turf Beauty can help you get a lush and green lawn in the spring by taking the right steps and following the right practices now. We will be glad to help you get a healthy and happy spring lawn with our superior garden maintenance schedule and lawn repair services. Request a consultation today for expert spring lawn care services!

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Thursday, March 4, 2021

Spring Pest Control Tips to Make Your Living Space Pest Resistant

Spring means fresh flower blooms, chirping birds, and bright sunny weather. Spring is an amazing time to enjoy, but it also comes with unwanted pest problems. As spring is around the corner, now is the time to plan spring pest control to make your home pest and insect-resistant.

Some of the common springtime pests are bees and wasps, mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, and more. Here we offer some tips for spring pest control to keep pests and insects away from your home.

Spring Pest Control Tips to Follow

1. Implement Year-Round Maintenance by Hiring Professional Pest Control Service

Prevention of pests is always easier and cheaper than resolving a pest problem. So, even if you don’t have a pest problem now, you can take steps to prevent it. Sign up for year-round maintenance by hiring the services of a professional pest and insect control company. All American Turf Beauty offers expert year-round Perimeter Insect Control service in Ames and many other areas of Iowa.

2. Maintain Cleanliness

Spring is the best time of the year for clearing out any clutter and dirt gathered over the winter months. Dirt build-up and clutter can result in major pest problems. Excessive junk offers more hiding areas for pests and unkempt spaces are apt places for different insects. So, maintain cleanliness in your home to keep pests and insects at bay.

spring pest cleanliness


3. Control Moisture

The arrival of spring often involves a lot of moisture – from overflow, runoff, snow, and rain. Water draws pests because they are looking for drinking water or because they flourish in a damp environment.

Blocked gutters, leaky pipes, and pooling water can attract various pests and insects. Although you cannot control rain and snow, make sure that you maintain the plumbing and keep gutters clean.

4. Pay Attention to Food and Waste

Pests look for the essentials following the winter thaw – water, food, and shelter. One of the important pest control tips for spring is paying attention to how you store the potential food source of pests and insects, as this can help a lot in keeping them at a distance from your home. Store food, including pet food, in air-tight containers and keep all trash bins sealed. Ensure that you clean spills and dishes quickly and your outdoor garbage can is closed.

5. Maintain Your Yard

Pay heed to your yard as the temperature begins to rise. There can be potential pest hazards behind the mud, melted snow, dead leaves, and debris, left by the fall and winter months.

Potential spring pests can be housed by any thick overgrowth or damp wood. Also, any standing or stagnant water in clogged gutters or from puddles can act as suitable places for mosquito breeding. Ensure proper maintenance of your yard and property to prevent any future pest problems.

spring pest maintenance


6. Inspect the Exterior

The freezing weather in winter is harsh, with the temperature change and winter storms likely to result in some major repair works for the exterior of your home. Your property’s new weaknesses can be exploited by pests and insects searching for a comfortable place.

Pests and insects can enter your home through broken window panes, cracks in stone, or open slots beneath doors. The home-invading pests can also get entry through loose siding or roof damage. So, carry out annual wear-and-tear maintenance to keep pests and insects away.

7. Inspect the Interiors

After inspecting the exterior of your property, inspect the interiors. Spring cleaning should not be limited to washing curtains, check any decorations brought in during the holidays too.

Basements are chief spots as well as places where home utilities are stored. Damp basements attract insects like spiders and silverfish. Make sure to prevent the entry of pests in these areas.

Make Your Home Pest Resistant with AATB

To leave peacefully in your home, seek the spring pest control services of a reliable company. All American Turf Beauty (AATB) has vast experience in offering the best quality professional pest control services.

Our Perimeter Insect Control service in Ames and other regions in Iowa involves the application of pesticide outside your home that makes your home interior resistant to a wide range of pests and insects. Our service includes perimeter mosquito control, ant perimeter treatment, and perimeter bug control. Request a consultation for pest control today!

The post Spring Pest Control Tips to Make Your Living Space Pest Resistant appeared first on All American Turf Beauty, Inc..