Friday, December 6, 2019

The Ultimate Secret of Winter Lawn Care Revealed

Save your turf from snow by winter lawn care service in Iowa

In the middle of the Christmas hullabaloo, have you completely abandoned your lawn? Not exactly a good thing to do and we will tell you why. Winter lawn care is as crucial as spring and summer care. You can save a lot of trouble for the coming spring if you are a little prudent during winter. Here are a few quick tips from our AATB experts to help you with your winter woes for lawns.

Walk on the snow, but spare the lawn

Yes, you read it correctly. As lawn care experts we suggest that you avoid your snow-covered lawns. The lawn is dormant during the cold months. Too much traffic can weaken even the strongest grass. Remember a heavily worn path will be slow to green up during spring. Enjoy the beauty of snow, but do not be tempted to walk on the snow-laden lawn.

Clean your lawn before the first snow

This sounds incredibly tiresome, especially when you are mentally prepared to spend less time tending to lawns during winters. We advise otherwise. As one of the important winter lawn maintenance tips, we suggest that you clear out the debris and leaves from the lawn. Debris can smother grass and instigate fungi growth ultimately affecting the grass.

You would not want your lawns to be the breeding ground of mice, insects and damaging pests. The first active steps in winter lawn care actually start before winter. An ideal time to clear your lawns is during autumn when you rake the leaves. Before the first frost, aerate your lawn, and apply lawn fertilizer. Allow the fertilizer to sit on grass blades, seep in and reach the roots during cold months.

Beware of snow mold on grass

Snow mold is a kind of fungal disease that develops when the lawn is under the snow. As the snow melts, you might notice some discolored patches on your lawns. The best way to combat it is to prevent snow from piling on your yard and plants. As part of winter lawn treatment, it is essential that you keep your lawns clear of snow.

We all love to build a snowman but pay attention to the area once the snow is gone. The area can be susceptible to snow mold. Lawns that are fertilized just before winter will work better against snow mold.

Prevent light frost effects on grass

If you do not want the grass blades to be affected by light frost, you can water the lawn the night before. With deep watering, the moisture will evaporate slowly over the night. During evaporation, there will be heat and friction around grass blades. Even when the night air temperature drops below the freezing point, the ground will have a higher temperature because of heat from evaporation.

Keep away the salt from lawns

As we create winter lawn care tips, we often miss this point. Use less salt and more magnesium chloride and sand to melt the ice on walkways and driveways. Salt can hurt the growth of grass and trees on your lawns. If used profusely, salt can even damage the concrete because of constant freezing and thawing.

Mark the lawn carefully

To know the exact boundary of your lawn before the snow, try to mark your turf before snowfall. You can lose track of the grass close to sidewalks and driveways once everything gets covered by snow. Mark the edge of your lawns, so that you know where you will be running the snowblower to avoid harm to the grass. Reflective markers are a good choice along the street line of the property.

Call the professionals for winter lawn care

If you have questions about caring for your lawn, contact our turf specialists in Iowa. Experts at AATB have been taking care of lawn care & maintenance for more than 15 years. And we understand that protecting the lawn during winter can be hard work. You can contact also contact us if you need a snow removal company. We will make your lawn spring ready!

The post The Ultimate Secret of Winter Lawn Care Revealed appeared first on All American Turf Beauty, Inc..

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