Friday, January 11, 2019

Lawn drainage be gone this season

Improving lawn drainage brings long-term benefits to your lawn

Got lawn drainage problems? Wet spots on your yard? Soggy lawns can be such a nuisance and an eyesore. What’s more, grass will die eventually if it’s soaked in water for too long. Plus, you cannot even mow over these wet areas. Yard drainage problems put your lawn in a compromising situation especially in the rainier months or as snow begins to melt. Poor lawn drainage prevents oxygen from reaching the roots of your grass and garden plants. Aside from killing the grass and plants, the moist areas create a perfect habitat for fungus.

Moist areas damage your lawn and your garden even more.

Aside from killing your lawn and your garden, lawn drainage issues also have detrimental effects on your property. It can cause leaks on your basement, track mud into your home, or cause serious damage to its foundation entirely.

So, if you have water accumulating in different parts of your lawn, you must consider investing time, effort, and some bucks on some good quality lawn drainage solutions. With things like your home’s foundation at stake, it might well be worth the investment to avoid a much larger expense.

Lawns are prone to water logging especially in the later winter months when snow has built up and starts to melt. This season usually brings heavier rainfall and snow. This causes water to sit on the surface of the soil and drain very slowly. This is why you see puddles and even pooling on the surface.

You need to know the soil on your lawn as this is one factor that causes pooling, too.

For instance, high clay content on your lawn soil makes it difficult for water to be absorbed. This causes the pooling on the surface of your soil. Knowing your soil allows you to make the necessary action to deal with your lawn drainage issues with the solutions that best fit your lawn soil.

So before you take some drastic action or dig a trench to get rid of a wet spot, step back and evaluate the situation first. Find out what may be causing the pooling and water logging. For all you know, the problem may be as simple as a downspout or a discharge draining into a low area of your yard. In such cases, redirecting your downspout or running your discharge pipe to a different location might just be all you need to do to fix the problem.

If your problem is caused by the type of soil you have, the best soil amendment method known today is adding organic matter. It may be in the form of compost, manure, or anything that is well rotted.

Organic matter binds with soil particles.

In clay soil, it improves drainage by forcing the small, tightly packed particles apart. In sandy soil, it retains moisture better by filling the large pore spaces and acting as a sponge. The presence of clay soil is the cause of most minor lawn drainage problems. Thus, you will likely find unwanted standing water on your lawn. And a good corrected step you can do on your own is to add organic matter into your soil.

Another solution for lawn drainage problems relative to soil is soil aeration. Regular soil aeration allows the soil to absorb water more easily. This process punches holes in the lawn and adds air pockets, which aids in improving air and water circulation. If you do these basic tricks and you still end up with pools and water logs, another solution you might want to consider is to devise and install a drainage system. With proper evaluation, you will be able to determine if your lawn needs a top dressing. That is, if the problem stems from a higher elevation draining water down into your lawn. A good remedy is to raise the lawn to a higher level by adding a top dressing. Then you can lay down a drainage system beneath the top dressing. Ask your lawn drainage experts for advice on how to go about this.

Additionally, another solution to pooling and water logging that’s becoming more popular these days is a pond or rain garden.

Ponds help collect rain water, preventing pooling elsewhere on your lawn.

Aside from this purpose, this is a feature you can get your garden or lawn that adds aesthetic value! So, if you deem it fit, go dig a small pond in your yard and let the excess water accumulate in it. Turn your eyesore into an aesthetic view. Of course, it is always best to consult experts on lawn drainage before doing something as big as digging a pond or installing a drainage system. It would save you unnecessary expense, time, and effort if these solutions aren’t exactly what you need.

FAQ: What is a French drain and how does it work?

A French drain is a permanent drainage system constructed across the lowest area of the lawn. It is popular because of its versatility in dealing with all kinds of drainage problems. A French drain system utilizes a perforated pipe buried deep in the ground to disperse water over a large area. Gravel normally surrounds the French drain to allow the water to flow through. Generally, a French drain is enough to fix lawn drainage issues, but it can also be used alongside a dry well. How does it work? The water simply soaks into the soil as it flows along the pipe. It requires no inlet or outlet. You can just construct the drain to accept water along its length and just disperse it underground, ridding you of unwanted pools and water logs.

What All American Turf Beauty Says About Improving Lawn Drainage

Winter fading into spring presents different needs for your lawn. One main concern is the wet and rainy period that brings about pools and water logs in some lawns. Not all solutions may work on every lawn simply because each lawn has unique characteristics and composition. Therefore, every lawn has unique needs and require tailor-fit solutions. Get expert advice on improving lawn drainage and find out what is best suited for your lawn. Call us today and talk to our lawn care experts at 1-800-365-8873 or you may visit us at 311 Desoto Rd, Van Meter, IA.

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